Say Goodbye to Mediocre Candidates. It’s Time to Employ Real Talent.

It’s got to be every employer’s worst nightmare hasn’t it? A day of interviewing or shortlisting for a role results in one mediocre candidate after another. What if that’s not the only way? What if you could build a hiring strategy that massively filters the mediocrity?

Everyone knows that exceptional talent produces exceptional results. Every small to medium enterprise (SME) and large business alike desires its employees to be industry superstars but, how can you get ahead of the curve? How can you ensure you are only attracting the cream of the crop from the outset?

It’s worth noting that the current marketplace heavily favours employees meaning competition is fierce! SMEs and other businesses need to have a clear idea of what to do in order to attract the right people. Not only is it an employees marketplace but, they know it! Top level professionals know how high the demand is for them. This means that you need to be both strategic and clever with how you market your role.

Here at Jobswipe, we want to offer you nothing but solid gold value with our blog output. That’s why we’ve prepared this short guide to attracting and hiring top talent to your business.

  1. Be different from everyone else.

That’s a broad statement and, we know the implications of this can be far reaching. The point is though, that top talent are only going to want to work for organisations that are different and offer something special in terms of progressing towards their career goals.

Be clear about what it is you are trying to achieve with this post and how you will equip the candidate to succeed. Be confident in your identity as a business and give an impression of where you’re heading, be ambitious.

If your ideal candidate feels they can grow within your organisation and can relate to your mission, believing it is a good thing, then you are far more likely to attract them.

Part of what makes a business exciting to work for these days is flexibility. Can you offer a collaborative and creative environment where your ideal candidate can move from area to area? Can you offer your ideal candidate a flexible working schedule that maximises their idea of a great work-life balance?

     2. Be creative about how you headhunt.

There has been such an explosion of people using great online platforms to find employment. You can utilise these platforms to headhunt your ideal talent before they find your competition. Platforms such as our very own Jobswipe:Hire or business-minded social media platforms such as LinkedIn can be an absolute goldmine of high quality professional talent.

Could you involve your team in the process? More often now than ever before, SME’s are getting their top performing staff to create their own corporate LinkedIn profile and scour the platform for potential talent.

     3. Culture, Culture and more culture.

Just as things like flexibility are vital to sell to potential candidates, so is the culture of your business. Working for a company isn’t just a job, it’s an experience. The employee experience is what makes your culture. Is your business a pleasant place to work? Are your employees motivated and collaborative? What is it that you have to offer your ideal candidate that is better than other companies in your sector?

How do you lead? A leadership style that dominates from the top creates a certain culture. As does a laissez faire style. Our top tip: put your employees first. This creates a culture of empowerment where your employees are self motivated to do the best they can based on the fact that they trust you to look after them. If you invest in your employees, the theory is that they will be equally invested in your business.

     4. Speak to others, do your research.

It really can be as simple as speaking to your current top-tier employees, your business acquaintances etc and asking them what’s attractive about your organisation. This can open up a world of insight into how to sell yourself to prospective employee and creating the perfect job advertising campaign.

On the other hand, if the feedback isn’t good then you’ve got some seriously good educational data to hand to make adjustments for the better – Win/win.

     5. Be real.

It’s all well and good talking about your excellent office culture, flexible working policy and extensive corporate benefits however, if your dream candidate arrives and finds out this is all just a veneer and the reality is stark in comparison, they are unlikely to stick around for long.

If your company doesn’t offer the kinds of things top-flight employees find attractive, then perhaps it’s time to re-evaluate. Describe your company, sell the benefits and do your research just don’t be inauthentic.  

    6. Offer stability.

The vast majority of people are looking for long term employment and stability. They are building families, careers and homes and need the reassurance of a stable job. Top talent are far more likely to be attracted to your company if you are offering them the shot at a rewarding and stable career. Is it in your company’s scope to map out a progression structure or a salary banding system so that potential employees know what to expect? Could you throw in the promise of bonuses and other incentives?

Stability breeds confident and contented staff. Confidence and contentment breeds productivity and loyalty. Productive and loyal staff massively enhance your company’s bottom line.

    7. Utilise your employees.

Imagine offering your top employees the opportunity for a free week’s annual leave or a paycheck bonus if they are able to recommend a friend who exceeds performance targets. Do you think they will recommend mediocre friends? If you offer tangible incentives to employees who recommended candidates that go on to produce good results then, you are likely to be given a pool of names you can be confident are top quality. It’s a win win. It costs you no more than the incentives you offer and you are practically guaranteed some great candidates.

To conclude,

Top talent are looking to work in an environment that excites them, that is dynamic and offers them a quality work life balance. Top talent are searching for businesses that will allow them to grow and will help them to achieve their career ambitions. They are looking for a corporate brand they can identify with, one that has a clear set of values and a concrete vision. Top performers are looking for a brand message they can get behind and a team of colleagues who are equally in love with your business.

Expect a follow up to this article in the near future, there is so much that can be said about attracting the best of the best to your business or SME.    Good luck.

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